
Kick starting cultural enterprise in the Kimberley

June 01, 2017

An innovative cultural enterprise model, to provide targeted cultural and environmental business expertise to the Kimberley Indigenous Ranger Network, will launch on Friday 2nd June at the Ernst and Young offices in Perth.

The KLC Enterprise Hub, an initiative of the Kimberley Land Council, proposes a bold solution to an entrenched long-term problem. It aims to decrease sole reliance on government funding, increase job opportunities in remote communities, improve biodiversity, reinvigorate Indigenous culture and improve health by enabling people to move back onto country.

This model represents a rapidly developing business opportunity that will play an increasingly important role in turning around intergenerational disadvantage in the Kimberley region.

Chief Executive Officer of the Kimberley Land Council Nolan Hunter says, "Our vision is for a prosperous and thriving community, with Aboriginal people living and working on their country in enterprises that are founded on traditional knowledge, culture and connection to country."

Our savanna burning projects are an example of our leadership in this area:

The Cultural Enterprise Hub model will engage strategic advisors and secure investment for long-term projects that deliver multi-generational impact.

"The Hub will demonstrate the benefits of a new and innovative funding model for Indigenous groups across Australia and internationally."

More than 50 people are expected to attend the launch on Friday with representatives spanning government, corporate and research sectors.

If you're interested in finding out more information about the Cultural Enterprise Hub launch please contact Ariadne Gorring on 0409 086 715.
