Bindunbur Native Title trial update
May 13, 2016
The Federal Court of Australia resumed its hearing in Broome to about native title rights on the Dampier Peninsula.
The Federal Court of Australia resumed its hearing in Broome to about native title rights on the Dampier Peninsula. The Court heard evidence from witnesses for Goolarabooloo, Jabirr Jabirr, Ngumbarl, Nimanbur and Nyul Nyul people over three weeks from 29 March to 14 April 2016, with one week spent on country.
Around thirty Aboriginal witnesses gave evidence in support of the various native title claims. Each of the witnesses spent time explaining their culture and customs to the Judge, His Honour Justice Anthony North. All of the evidence of Aboriginal witnesses, which is the most important evidence in the case, has now been heard by North J.
The hearing will resume in September 2016, where North J will hear evidence about extinguishment through grants of land tenure, followed by the expert opinions of anthropologists. The trial is expected to conclude with final oral submissions in March 2017, after which North J will consider his judgment.
The KLC is very grateful to everyone involved in the trial, including witnesses, extended families and support people, for their active participation and positive attitudes through a busy and at times challenging process.